The modern world suffers from a loss of soulful connections, a lack of meaningful narratives that can unite people, and a scarcity of wisdom practices that might light the way through dark times. When we lose our way in this world it is the soul’s way of being in touch with the pulse of life that has been lost. In extraordinary times, the soul expects to find extraordinary experiences, not a final redemption, but moments of awakening, revelation and healing that restore our sense of meaning and unity.
The medicines needed for healing the chaos and conflicts in the outer world can only be found in the depths of the individual soul. Secretly, each soul is connected to the Soul of the World and the alchemy of the awakening soul becomes the source of meaningful change and the root of remedies for what ails both culture and nature.
PART 1 - KAIROS TIME: Living in the Broken Moment
Currently, the world is beset by a cascade of crises that seem impossible to solve. Yet, the situation can also be seen as what the ancient Greeks called a kairos period, a betwixt and between time in which the course of history changes and all of reality seems to be altered. Things become both impossible and more possible at the same time as life transforms on many levels.
A kairos period often begins with crises that break time open and break down our usual patterns of life. Although radically disorienting, such moments can be transformative, even revelatory as hidden potentials of life become more visible. In that sense, kairos can be seen as “awakened time,” moments in which we can awaken to a greater sense of the world and our place in it.
Moments of awakening become “lived time” in which genuine transformation can occur at all levels of life. We have entered such an extended moment of radical change and alteration, one that is life-defining as well as life-changing. When the whole world turns upside down, it is the soul at the bottom of everything that is trying to become known again.
PART 2 - PERSONAL MYTH: Unfolding the Inner Plotline
The inner myth becomes our individual connection to the world as well as our secret connection to the heart of nature. In the great drama of life, the awakened human soul becomes the extra quality needed to tip the balance of the world away from destruction and toward ongoing creation. The timelessness of soul and the immediacy of purpose can help shift as well as help shape the world.
In critical moments the story of the soul tries to become more conscious. The inner myth becomes our individual connection to the world as well as our secret connection to the heart of nature. In the drama of life, the awakened soul becomes the uniquely living quality needed to help tip the balance of the world away from destruction and toward ongoing creation.
The great crises in life can serve to awaken our deeper sense of humanity and greater sense of meaning and purpose in life. We are in such a crisis at this point that and we need radical ideas, deep levels of healing, and transcendent visions, the kind that can only be found in the depths of the human soul.
Each soul has in-born code and instinctive guide line that can aim our energy as well as protect our life. This inner dharma or law of being tries to unfold as our true way of being and best way of contributing to life. When enough people awaken to the inherent purpose and meaning in their own lives, a collective initiation can also occur and shift the level of meaning and the course of history.
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“We live in times of widespread trouble and sweeping change; if we can trust the nature of our own souls and throw ourselves wholeheartedly into those things that truly call to us, these could become initiatory times as well.”