The bridge of life stretches between the daily world, where things become divided and stuck and the Otherworld of imagination and great potential. Even as we sleep our dreams serve as a bridge between realms, revealing hidden parts of ourselves and stirring the essential waters of change.
In troubled times it becomes more important to know that at every threshold there are creative energies waiting to enter the world through us. As everything else seems to crack or fall apart, the deeper, “knowing self” within us moves closer to the surface and seeks to become known.
Collective and personal crises may threaten our habitual ways of being or acting at one level, while opening the doors of vision and understanding on another level. A threshold moment or event can break time open and reframe our entire life, altering its trajectory and renewing its vitality.
In such timeless moments we come to see the world as we are intended to see it and find the genuine aims of our lives. With life on the verge of transformation, the real work becomes finding the place on the thresholds of change where our hearts can open and our souls can lead the way.
Humanity is experiencing a collective state of uncertainty and doubt by virtue of being betwixt and between one era and another. This liminal state or threshold condition has profound importance for each of us as individuals and for all of us as part of the community of being on earth.
When all levels of nature and culture are at risk, essential levels of life must be encountered and learned from directly. What we most need already dwells within ourselves; the problem often is that it dwells in the most unknown regions of our own selves. Our core task and life journey involve re-collecting and re-membering parts of ourselves that have been repressed or forgotten.
Those who accept the conditions of liminality become able to see more than one meaning in each life-challenging or life-changing situation. They can become recipients of messages from the unseen realm of imagination where inspired ideas as well as new relationships can arise.
A living system tends to be most complex in the middle or at the center, while being most open at the edges. Being at one side of a bridge of change opens possibilities of crossing over and reaching a place of greater understanding on the other side.
Yet, the actual change must happen in the complicated middle which involves both loss and renewal, both chaos and creation. The creative middle way involves the power of becoming; becoming aware of new ways of being as well as coming to know ancient wisdom again.
The inner medicine of the soul is found in the moving middle where a person can truly change. An older person can be inspired by a youthful spirit, a younger person can become wiser than their age might suggest. While in touch with the golden middle way we become most aware of our true selves and more in tune with the ever renewing mysteries of life.
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“Our core task and life journey involve re-collecting and re-membering parts of ourselves that have been repressed or forgotten.”