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Certain rites of passage require that the world must seem upside down or about to end before a step into the unknown can stir the soul and inspire the dream of life to awaken again. Old ways of seeing the world are blocking the paths of imagination, vision and healing. A collective rite of passage is underway that requires that we truly transform our way of being in the world.

Each soul has an inborn code and an instinctive guideline that can both aim our energy and protect our lives. This inner dharma or law of our soul depicts our true nature and our unique way of being and contributing to the world. Healing the current culture of trauma must happen while creating new alignments between nature and human culture.




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When seen from the deeper view of the soul, the challenges and obstacles in life are not simply roadblocks, intended to stop us altogether, as much as detours intended to lead us to genuine change and growth.
— Michael Meade