Increasingly, we are caught in a shattering of the world as unprecedented events tear at the heart of humanity and ravage the earth. The waves of radical change and upheaval in the outside world easily become overwhelming emotions inside us.
Since the world will not settle soon, the unity and wholeness so sorely missing in the outer world must be found within us as well. As collective fears and anxiety grow, a balancing imagination and energy for healing tries to awaken in each soul.
In times of crisis we become either a smaller person or a greater soul. When oriented from the deep self and soul within, our choices can become meaningful and our experiences can become revelatory rather than isolating or traumatizing.
As the “light hidden in darkness,” the soul is the origin of both beginner’s mind and ancient wisdom. It is also the source of forgiveness and true self-acceptance. Soul is the part of us that cannot simply be overwhelmed. Rather, the awakened soul becomes the source of genuine vision and creative agency that can inspire a genuine collective transformation.
“As collective fears and anxiety grow, a balancing imagination and energy for healing tries to awaken in each soul.”