Solstice means the “sun stands still.” At the darkest time of the year the pulse of life stops for a timeless moment before the light begins to return and the energy of the earth renews. Ancient people imagined that humans played a role in bringing the light back from the dark, for the human soul was also once known as the “light inside darkness.”
At this time, the earth itself is threatened by the climate crisis, the tragedy of the current pandemic continues and many cultural troubles deepen the darkness in the world. As the Covid crisis keeps us psychically and physically apart, there may be no better time to join in the spirit of singing for the earth and bringing the light. back from darkness.
In facing the darkness together we rekindle the divine spark of life in each of our souls and we connect through song and prayer to the living heart of the Earth.
“In facing the darkness together we rekindle the divine spark of life in each of our souls and we connect through song and prayer to the living heart of the Earth.”