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Amidst all the confusion about building walls and assigning tariffs, amidst threats of violence and continuous upheaval, Michael Meade turns his attention to the old imagination of a guarding and guiding angel of the soul. Following the subtle trail of angels found in cultures throughout the world, Meade examines the role of inspiration in modern life and the need for intermediaries that connect us to nature and to the divine. In contrast to the modern notion of a world made of subjects separated from objects, the presence of angels adds more presence to the world and can help keep us aligned with beauty, wonder and life purpose.
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"These mini essays connecting myths to our current culture inspire me on a daily basis to choose gratitude, humility and forgiveness and sparks me to engage in creative, imaginative acts for others."
"I'm so grateful to have found this podcast. The way Michael Meade weaves myth and applies it to the current times we live in really helps me to navigate the challenges I've faced."
“This podcast has become one of my most valued influences on my life these days. Michael Meade speaks with such heart and passes on such wisdom. I highly recommend these podcasts for anyone who has a soul yearning to keep a finger on the pulse of humanity.”
"Love the podcast and never miss an episode. Sometimes I find myself replaying an episode multiple times to really let it sink in!"