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On this episode of Living Myth, Michael Meade uses current scandals in politics along with the recent discoveries in science to show how we live in revelatory times. We are in the midst of a cultural, political and emotional catharsis, yet for those willing to look behind the veil, an apocalyptic period can mean a time of revelation on many levels. The archetype of apocalypse involves a “lifting of the veil” in which many scandals and misdeeds become uncovered, while at the same time both ancient wisdom and new knowledge can be discovered.

We are living through a period of great change that involves uncovering things that have been concealed and discovering or re-discovering things that have been hidden from sight. In mythological terms, we are caught in a cosmic moment of time turning over in which both destruction and creation are involved and one can turn into the other in a moment. Familiar structures may collapse and once vital systems may fall apart, yet forgotten patterns and barely imagined designs can be on the verge of being revealed.

We live in two worlds and belong to more than one dimension of life as our souls are secretly attuned to other levels of reality. One level is visible and observable to the human eye, while the other level is mostly invisible and seemingly ephemeral. And yet this second level is essential to our wellbeing, and critical to our understanding of life on earth.

Something ancient and knowing about this world, that has survived many catastrophes, is trying to catch up with us and become known by us again. We are in a struggle, not simply for the future of time, but rather for the presence of eternity. If we are to help uncover and discover ways that allow the earth to renew itself and help human culture to be reimagined, we must become capable of eternity again.


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