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Despite the narrowing of mind and loss of imagination that characterize much of modern life, we each still have an old knowing mind within us. Not the mechanics of the brain that contemporary science seems obsessed with, but the ancient mind untouched by the passage of time, the intuitive and instinctive mind, which knows both basic survival and great consciousness and awareness. This original mind is logical in its own way, that is to say it is mytho-logical, it is psycho-logical, and it is cosmological at the same time. Mind is not simply the brain, but a poetic unity in the soul of each person born.
We are each involved in a unique life experiment, the meaning of which is hidden exactly where people prefer not to look - in the surprising inner life of our self and soul. Part of becoming conscious of this original mind and indigenous inner self includes an instinctive sense of belonging, belonging to great nature, belonging to the song of creation and the hum of the cosmos itself. Just as a fish utterly belongs to the sea, our original self belongs at once to the great sea of heaven and to the deep ocean of the unconscious. An expansion of individual human awareness is the basis upon which meaningful changes and a potential renewal of collective society ultimately depends.
The original mind tries to become known to each of us and keeps trying to return things to their origins, in order to find original ways to survive the disasters of life and the confusions of culture. When we fail to live out the knowing presence deep within ourselves, we also deny the presence of the living world and that causes the world to have less presence and appear to be slowly dying.
When we imagine the uniqueness of each soul as part of a greater unity, we can see how true consciousness of the part leads to a greater awareness of the whole. The original self within us is the source of forgiveness that keeps offering us second chances to awaken no matter how long we have been lost on the roads of confusion. Waking the individual self and soul also awakens some potential in the world. When the inner light of the soul awakens us from within, something also comes alive in the world around us.


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