We don’t see the world as it is, we see the world as we are. How we see the Earth must change before we can learn how to help heal the Earth. Most visions of the future are fatalistic; yet myth has a redeeming function as stories become vessels of imagination and inspiration that can open new ways to see the world.
When the world seems to make no sense, myth can make the most sense. Stories of renewal of the Earth can help us see the world with different eyes and create new contexts for facing the threats of climate change and stopping ecological degradation.
Imagination has a way of lighting on truths that reason cannot find. Imagination can reveal inner dimensions and hidden resources in our individual and collective lives and in the world. Mythic narratives can inspire greater imagination and creativity in all fields of endeavor while helping to heal the gaps between nature and culture.
“We don’t see the world as it is, we see the world as we are. How we see the Earth must change before we can learn how to help heal the Earth.”