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An E-Course with MICHAEL MEADE

This course with Michael Meade addresses the great crises we now face in both nature and culture and considers how to respond from a deep place of soul and radical resilience. Meade suggests that at this critical point on earth there is an intensification of longing for calling and true purpose and a more immediate feeling for offering ourselves in service.

Course Includes:

  • 3 90-minute classes with interconnected themes relating to initiation, inner genius, the human capacity for radical resiliency, and the need for times of descent in order to awaken one’s inner gifts

  • A live video Q&A with Michael Meade on June 18 that focuses on themes from this course

  • Each class weaves story, poetry and a timely and timeless mythic perspective on current issues

  • High quality audio and video recordings

  • Excerpts from Michael Meade’s books including: The Genius Myth, Awakening The Soul and Why the World Doesn’t End

  • Excerpts from audio recordings and essays relating to the topics within the class

  • Links to select podcasts relating to the themes of the course

  • A 30% discount on all titles from Michael Meade and Mosaic


We are living through a time of great ordeals and radical changes that have already altered the world. Crises like the coronavirus pandemic and the climate emergency are bigger and more complex than the institutions established to deal with them. What we need now is not a minor repair, but a major transformation of the world that shifts the levels of understanding and opens the realms of possibility.
A dramatic shift in collective understanding can only happen through the awakening of individual souls. We need radical ideas, deep levels of healing, and transcendent visions, the kind that can only be found in the depths of the human soul. Changes at the level of the individual soul can generate the collective energy needed to change the conditions of the world. At this critical point on earth there is an intensification of longing for calling and true purpose and a more immediate feeling for offering ourselves in service. 


Certain rites of passage require that the world must seem upside down or about to end before a step into the unknown can stir the soul and inspire the dream of life to awaken again. Old ways of seeing the world are blocking the paths of imagination, vision and healing. A collective rite of passage is underway that requires that we truly transform our way of being in the world.

Each soul has an inborn code and an instinctive guideline that can both aim our energy and protect our lives. This inner dharma or law of our soul depicts our true nature and our unique way of being and contributing to the world. Healing the current culture of trauma must happen while creating new alignments between nature and human culture.

Audio Recording of Part 1 Video

The soul, which is the deepest part of a person, is not overwhelmed by the circumstances of life. And in the soul, there’s a thread, the thread of the dream of our life. We are closer to finding the thread of our life when we are in the deepest trouble.
— Michael Meade


The crises and tragedies of contemporary life can be seen as a spiritual crisis in which we must find a greater sense of self or become more subject to feelings of anxiety and helplessness. Amidst massive uncertainty and disorientation one of the few ways to find sense and meaning is to awaken to the inner order, the shape and style of one’s own being.

The ancient idea of a “conscious descent” involves facing inner fears of abandonment and loss, then going deeper within to find the hidden sense of wholeness within us. For, what we truly seek are moments of wholeness that not only reassure us, but that can also renew and revitalize us, body and soul.

Audio Recording of Part 2

The idea is to come out of this process of descent into isolation with a greater sense of one’s connection to a deep sense of soul, and an increased vitality and greater capacity to go back to the world with more clarity of why each one of us is alive and what
we have to give back to the world.
— Michael Meade


In nature, a tree’s deepest root is called the radical. When it comes to human nature, each soul has a radical root that reaches to the ground of being. The soul’s radical root can tap our inner core of resiliency and connect us to our genuine purpose in life.

Being resilient doesn’t mean avoiding the obstacles and tragedies of life or the strong emotions that troubles can evoke. Rather, being resilient involves a conscious ability to “spring back” no matter what befalls us.

Resiliency can become a practice, especially when connected to our instinctive ways of being both caring and creative. Qualities like compassion, courage and wisdom tend to manifest more fully when something challenges us at an existential level. The practice of resiliency can help us discover and live our soul’s purpose, the way we can best serve the world at this time.


We are in a time of crisis. We are in a time of ashes. And so the idea of getting more used to that, and getting a connection to the sense of a deep inner resiliency becomes important.
— Michael Meade


Included with your course registration is a special discount on all titles from Michael Meade and Mosaic

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We live in times of widespread trouble and sweeping change; if we can trust the nature of our own souls and throw ourselves wholeheartedly into those things that truly call to us, these could become initiatory times as well.
— Michael Meade